Kotzow forest estate is located in the administrative
district of Müritz at the southernmost tip of the
Müritz Lake, directly on the old historical border
between the Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and the Duchy
of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. In the east, it directly borders
on the western shores of the large and small Kotzow
Lake near the Müritz National Park.
at the time of Emperor William I. and throughout
the wars to the Soviet occupation, the period of
the East Zone, and the reunification, the district
served as a buffer area of the Rechlin Air Force
test site, until it was acquired by our family from
the Federal Property Management Agency in 1999.
Departing military units of the Soviet Union provided
the district with its first well-ordered ownership
structure and cleared the way for proper forestry.

the most pressing task was to clear cultivation
backlogs and carry out simple clearing-up operations
in the forest. Upon creation of a controlled cadastral
ownership structure and a complete recompilation
of the forest inventory (Forest Management Planning
2006), the ownership of the Kotzow district was
handed over to the up-and-coming family generation
in 2007.
a current area of close to 260ha and an average
felling of 1300 cubic-m (fm) solid measure of
timber per year, the district is an integral part
of our forestry activities in Mecklenburg-West
We produce a vast range of timber products, supplying
regional and national buyers in the wood industry.
>> Our
products & marketing
The administrative management of our Kotzow estate
is handled on our family estate in Wolfskuhlenhof
with the help of a forest manager, while our products
are marketed via our forestry association, Forstbetriebsgemeinschaft
Morizaner w.V.

Our local contact person for queries relating
to our products
Dipl. Forst Ing.(FH) Dierk Meyer
Mobil: 0162/7208863
Go to our other forest estates Wolfskuhlenhof,
Schwabenberg, Basedow